Choral Evensong with the Cathedral Arts Choral Artists CANCELLED

Zoom Video Platform TX, United States

Drawn from the 16th century Book of Common Prayer, Evensong participants are invited into a sacred space of quiet reflection through the words, music and prayers that have shaped Christian lives for hundreds of years.


Choral Evensong CANCELLED

Zoom Video Platform TX, United States

Drawn from the 16th century Book of Common Prayer, Evensong participants are invited into a sacred space of quiet reflection through the words, music and prayers that have shaped Christian lives for hundreds of years.


2020 North Texas Giving Day

Zoom Video Platform TX, United States

Consider a contribution to the ninth season of Saint Matthew's Cathedral Arts!

Evensong on the Lawn

Lawn of St. Matthew's Cathedral 5100 Ross Avenue at North Henderson, Dallas, TX, United States

Drawn from the 16th century Book of Common Prayer, Evensong participants are invited into a sacred space of quiet reflection through the words, music and prayers that have shaped Christian lives for hundreds of years.


Zoom Video Platform TX, United States

You are cordially invited to experience an All Saints tradition at St. Matthew's Cathedral honoring the beloved memory of those who have been close to […]